Home Learning

This page is an archive of the support made available to our Primary 1 families during the period of remote learning in January-February 2021 caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. You will find various links and suggestions that will support you in working with your child throughout lockdown (and perhaps beyond!) These resources will include suggestions for supporting your children in play, learning in the outdoors, fine motor development and physical activity.

A daily Youtube video will be uploaded to the
Frogston Primary School YouTube channel
where the videos are also organised into weekly playlists.

Links will also be sent out via the School App.

Monday and Wednesday – Literacy input
Tuesday and Thursday – Numeracy input
Friday – introduction to next week’s learning grid.

Learning Grids

Each week learning grids will be downloadable from this section as a PDF.

Learning grids will be released every Friday for the following week.

An archive of learning grids from the remote learning period in January-February 2021 can be found at the foot of this page.

Sharing learning
It will be helpful to see what children are achieving at home. Evidence of their learning and tasks can be sent to Stephen/Esme via email. Alternatively, the children are well practised in adding evidence to their Book Creator books on their iPads. These can then be ‘shared’ with us.

Exercise/PE resources

Joe Wicks‘ live stream exercise routines run every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Click here.

Cosmic Yoga have a huge variety of videos of different lengths and different themes. These might be a nice alternative for Tuesdays and Thursdays! Click here.

Kids Bop UK have a catalogue of dance-along videos and are running Daily Dance Breaks at 12pm. Click here.

If you know of any other good exercise resources, please let us know so we can share!

Fine Motor Skills

There are lots of simple ways to help develop our children’s fine motor skills. Anything which builds strength and dexterity in their fingers and hands can be suitable:
– playing with play dough,
– construction toys like LEGO or K-Nex,
– colouring in and dot-to-dots,
– click here for a blog with further suggestions.

We do ‘Dough Gym’ or ‘Funky Fingers’ daily. Many Funky Fingers activities involve everyday, household items. Searching ‘Dough Gym’ or ‘Funky Fingers’ on Google or Pinterest will provide lots of ideas. The same activity can often be motivating and challenging for several days!

Learning through play

Play is a critical part of our activity in Primary 1.

The links and documents in this section might give you ideas to enrich your children’s play and to help you engage with their play when you can.

International Play Association produced this booklet last April. It outlines some helpful principles about developing and engaging with your child’s play.

Play Scotland produce this guide which includes lots more practical suggestions. Their website also contains lost more information and advice for families about children’s play. playscotland.org/parents-families/

Early years expert, Alistair Bryce-Clegg has also compiled some great ideas for play at home on his website at abcdoes.com/home-learning/

Outdoor learning

These links might give you some ideas for your daily exercise or in your garden, if you are lucky enough to have one!

We will be sending out a weekly outdoor learning video from Karen and some of her friends every Wednesday at 1pm via the School App.

Additionally, check out Learning Through Landscapes amazing collection of free resources and ideas for outdoor learning. Not all of them will be age-appropriate for Primary 1 but there may be some inspiration to enrich you daily exercise.

Outdoor Learning and Play Charity | Learning through Landscapes

Educational resources

There is a huge amount available online to support teaching and learning. Remember, though, your priority is your family’s health and wellbeing so don’t put pressure on yourself!

The Scottish Book Trust have a wealth for resources to support reading and imagination, including 10 activites to do with any book, and a selection of book lists. Search all the resources, for all ages, here.

Learning Boosts is a Youtube channel produced by staff at Clermiston Primary School. There is a wealth of resources about early literacy and numeracy designed to support parents and a series of story based videos.

BBC Bitesize have tonnes of resources for children of all ages. The BBC have also committed to broadcast 3 hours of primary age educational programming every day on the CBBC channel.

Joe Wicks will also be broadcasting his fitness routines on Youtube every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from Monday 11th January.

Daily routine

This is, of course, only a suggestion. Naturally, families will need to balance any number of competing priorities within their household at this time. We support you in making the best choices for your children and your family.

9 Joe Wicks’ daily fitness
or alternative exercise (see above)
9.30 Fine motor activities (see above)
10 Literacy/Numeracy video
Literacy/Numeracy learning grid
11 Daily story video
Child-led play or creativity

12 Lunch
Daily outdoor exercise
(make the most of the daylight!)
1.30 Learning grid activity
Outdoor Learning video (Wed)
Assembly with Lorraine (Thur)
Child-led play or creativity
3 End of the school day

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